Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Allow transactional email functionality for ALL

Currently you only allow the "Transactional Email" type for the customers that are on the OPT-IN setup.
Switching to the "Opt-In" subscription management would create significantly more work in the form of creating opt-in records for all current and also future contacts.

Please just allow the ability for sending transactional (non-marketing related) emails to existing customers and IGNORE their opt-out setting as set via the "Bulk Email" field of their contact record and any general unsubscribe records. 

We NEED this ability to send our existing customers updates on their project as it progresses from step to step, and it is not practical or fair for you to only provide this feature to the subset of your customers that are on the Opt-In subscription management platform.

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  • Jul 28 2020
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  • Lea Hassoun commented
    21 Jun, 2021 08:53am

    As of ClickDimensions Release Versions 10.5 and 10.6, the Transactional option was also made available to updated environments using the Opt-Out Subscription Management for Email Sends and a Campaign Automation Send Email Actions.

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