Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

Submit your Product Ideas to the Click Product Management Team below.

These will be reviewed for consideration in a future product release. It is not intended to provide Product Support. If you are having a product issue, please follow regular support procedures.

Thank you for taking the time to submit your thoughts!

Ensuring that our products address the needs of our customers is important to Click. By providing your input, you're helping us ensure that our products are built by Marketers, for Marketers.

Information about the Product Ideas portal can be found in this support article.

To submit ideas related to Click Intelligent Dashboards please go to this link.

httpS Link in email editor to webcontent


currently it is impossible to insert a https link form the webcontent tab inside the email editor. It is only possible to achieve this by editing the link manual. 

A select box to set the link https if the domain name is 

Best Regards, 

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  • Jul 28 2020
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  • Lea Hassoun commented
    7 Nov, 2021 02:40pm


    We do have a new SSL certificates feature released in version 11.3 that allows you to upload your own SSL certificate so that you can brand your links with your company's domain name instead of the ClickDimensions domain while still allowing for a secure connection via HTTPS. This is currently available for use with Web Content CNAMEs and multiple SSL certificates can be uploaded if you make use of multiple CNAMEs on different domains. You will find more information in our following support article :

    Thank you

  • Nora Claes commented
    2 Nov, 2021 11:26am

    mandatory as personnal data must be secured (GDPR !!)

  • +2