Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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On form builder make email fields "type='email'"

On form builder make email fields "type='email'" in the output HTML. Right now the form builder is still generating an input field with type=text

The goal for my use case is that mobile users get a email entry keyboard and not the standard text keyboard. The text keyboard is very clunky for entering email addresses. I would guess that this is a acceptable standard now across all mobile and desktop platforms, here is an article on the subject from 2011 but I'm not sure if there are other reasons to continue to use "type='text'"

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  • Jul 28 2020
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    • Brian Stoess commented
      December 10, 2021 23:10

      I found you can change these types by adding simple Javascript in the Code Editor for your form:

      clickd_jquery( document ).ready(function() {




      Replace FIELD_ID_NUMBER with your field's ID which you can find in the HTML code just above the Javascript input. Field ID's all start with f_

      I tested my form on iPhone and the "field aware" keyboard loaded when these fields were active.

      I also was having trouble getting my mailing address fields to autofill on iPhone. This article helped:

      And I just added similar code to to the Javascript function above for fields that should autofill, for example, add this line to the function above to tag you address line 1 field:


      For good measure I added different autocomplete attributes to Name, Email, Phone, Address, City, State, Zip

      Autofill seems to work perfect now across several devices and browsers I've tried and all the data posts to CRM just fine.

    • Brian Stoess commented
      December 06, 2021 21:16

      Yes! In my testing on iPhone, the phone's auto-fill feature also does not work for the email field when it is set to "type=text'" which further hinders people from quickly filling out these forms while on mobile devices.

      I would also add that there should be an option to set text fields to type=tel

      Type=tel also triggers a more appropriate keyboard on mobile (number keypad) when this type of field is active.

      In my testing with forms that I created using Form Capture, if I set the email field to type=email and the phone field to type=tel things work much better for mobile users of these forms. The data still gets posted to CRM properly. I've even done a field type=hidden where the field is mapped to a "list" type field in CRM, and it works fine as long as the text value I set for the field matches an option I've set in the field mappings--I add this to say that I don't think there is much risk to allowing users to pick the input type.

      ClickDimensions could put this within "field properties" within form builder:

      1. If Field Type = Email, allow user to set "Input Type" (new dropdown in properties) to either "text" or "email". Set "text" as default to match existing functionality.

      2. If Field Type = Text (only good option for phone number fields), allow user to set "Input Type" (new dropdown in properties) to either "text" or "tel". Set "text" as default to match existing functionality.

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