Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Information about the Product Ideas portal can be found in this support article.

To submit ideas related to Click Intelligent Dashboards please go to this link.

When you use a survey web content, by default, this web content cannot be disabled. Thus, one patient accesses the link to the survey infinite times, without being restricted. It is desired that, although the web content is active, the same link from the web content should be used, but that patient should be restricted in order not to respond more than once. One patient must answer the survey only once.

At this point, the only way to disable the survey link is to disable web content. After answering, the link to the survey should no longer be active, and this should be done depending on the email address. Thus, there should be a single posted survey for a single email address, and the web content should be active and still used by other patients.

  • Roxana Tanase
  • Sep 17 2020
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Noam Mahler commented
      October 12, 2020 13:11

      Make sure you have a 10.7 soulution file or higher to access the new Online Surveys tool. There you will see a prominent "Survey Settings" button at the top of the page

    • Roxana Tanase commented
      September 17, 2020 09:37

      Hello! Where I can get this tool? Can you help me? Where is Survey Settings?

    • Noam Mahler commented
      September 17, 2020 09:13

      Hi Roxana,

      Our new Online Surveys tool offers this fuctionality,

      If you'll go to Survey Settings, you will see different tabs in the right side panel.

      Under the General tab there's a checkbox with the label "Limit to one submission"

      Check the box, and your survey will be limited to one submission for each submitter.