Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Audit Log & Proper Feedback Detail on EBlast

I created ticket #258280 where rep suggested to request here for the feature which he confirm is not available in click dimension today.

The idea is regarding Click Dimension E-Blast where couple of occasion eblast went to error recovery status and marketer could not understand what is happening, and what we found was due to one incorrect email address out of 5000 emails, the whole eblast was going in error recovery status.

1) Shouldn't Click Dimension should process records which are valid and for records which are not valid, it should provide some feedback on those records some how using some Eblast Audit per record level?

2) IT has to involve to get some serverside details to resolve this issue, instead when Marketer do Email Blast, If there are 2-3 records that are causing this issue, how can Marketer would know using Email Recovery errors to see what records are causing this?

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  • Oct 24 2020
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