Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Add custom workflow assembly to launch nurture program from CRM Workflow

I saw another request related to an third-party workflow assembly (, but it would be preferable if this was provided out of the box by Click Dimensions.� Interest captures from form posts (we use form captures) are a great way to initiate a nurture, but at the present, we would have to�manually add records (contacts and leads) to a list (or launch manually from ribbon), because form captures do not include actions like web content.�

Essentially, add custom workflow�assembly as part of the CD solution file that lets user select/run a define the nurture program.

Also, have way to cancel the nurture program within CRM workflow (we would want to stop nurture with alt wait branch if the related Lead is qualified/disqualified).

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  • Dec 28 2020
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