Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Ability to send newsletter to multiple email addresses of each contact record

At my organization, we have many contacts within our CRM with multiple email addresses. As we aren't always certain which is the most up-to-date address, we would like for these contacts to have all their addresses saved in the same email field and for each of these to be able to receive mailings from CRM campaigns. That way, we would hopefully contact their most relevant email address even if there's a bounce with their other outdated addresses.

Alternatively, we created an "email 2" field to save the secondary email addresses contact records may have. If it were possible to have the address in the "email 2" field be sent a mailing if there's a bounce with the address in the "email 1" field, that would also resolve the issue we are facing.

  • Guest
  • Apr 26 2021
  • Attach files