Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Support Certificate Automated Management

Currently my company provides the SSL certificate to secure client communication with a service you provide for us and there is a manual process every year to update the certificate. With the upcoming industry changes to certificate issuance policy likely to limit certificate lifetimes to 90 days in future, we need to plan how this will impact the existing process whereby we manually provide a new certificate annually.

Whilst we could continue to do this as a manual process every 8-10 weeks this will not scale well for the number of third party systems and services we have. We need to know whether you or your systems/services can take over the issuance of SSL certificates for this probably using a certificate provider you already use, an existing ACME based process and ideally using an HTTP-01 automated challenge so that your system and services can be fully in control of the process. Or if there is an option for us to securely supply updated certificates managed by our ACME process into your system/services, for example via a secret management system/service.

We would be grateful if you could incorporate an automated mechanism to support this industry driven change and automate the handling of the existing certificate currently updated manually

  • Shaun Russell
  • Nov 23 2023
  • Attach files
  • Nicolas Grosselfinger commented
    19 Nov, 2024 12:58pm

    Massive support for this idea. Given the industry standard for certificates is already at 90 days with the potential to further decrease, the current certificate process is not state of the art.