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Information about the Product Ideas portal can be found in this support article.
To submit ideas related to Click Intelligent Dashboards please go to this link.
Click’s campaign automation need a drastic overhaul.
Some ideas that the product needs:
Remove participants from a campaign automation. Whether it’s an http endpoint/API to call. Custom workflow action or any way we can stop a single participants or group or participants without having to do it through the UI, which is quite cumbersome.
Lookup to related entities on conditional logic (similar to advanced find). It would be beneficial to use the native advance find.
full use of native date operators within conditional logic
allow other records’ crud operation to trigger the start of an automation or a webhook (contact/lead/account guid and campaign automation guid would be required)
More actions: API Call external services
campaign automation testing
Use of AI for A/B split testing between nodes/path
create official connectors for Power Automate to further interact with Click.