Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Link between events and forms

We were looking into the option of using ClickDimensions event management but most of the functionality present with connectors seems to be missing in your own product's event management.

The events are not linked to the forms and so there is no way to tell which participants had what options filled out from the form for an event. We created a custom workflow to add event participants everytime a form is filled but that cannot be linked to the posted form so we can check what values a person had for the form fields. As an event manager i would like to export the details of each event as to who registered and what their preference were.

Also, the form itself needs separate checkbox/radio button fields for each of the possible values. eg. if i want to ask the registrant if they belong to GroupA, Group B or Group C, eventBrite has the option to configure so a person can only choose one. However CD wants me to create 3 separate radio button form fields (GroupA, GroupB and Group C) with their radio button but the registrant could choose Yes to all 3, which beats my purpose. I could use lists as an alternate but having radio buttons with related values seems much more user friendly.

Also for multiselect checkboxes if I have an event over the course of 2 days with meetings(say 20 meetings) scheduled at different times and user needs to choose which ones to attend, creating 20 form fields isn't really feasible. Having a multiselect option set list like in CRM would be appreciated.

We could define workflows/custom code but since each events needs a separate registration form, the end user doesn't have knowledge about all those and will not be using the event management capability in CD.

Would be good to have a functional event management to be able to use it. Perhaps a new web content type "Event Registration Form"  could be created that links events to forms and handles all the functionality needed for events.

  • Guest
  • Jul 28 2020
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  • Daniel Middel commented
    13 Jan, 2021 07:48am

    Very much needed indeed. Using a form to start a Campaign Automation which can create an Event Participation record (without the use of a Custom CRM Workflow) would be very very useful. Also see

  • +1