Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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These will be reviewed for consideration in a future product release. It is not intended to provide Product Support. If you are having a product issue, please follow regular support procedures.

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Information about the Product Ideas portal can be found in this support article.

To submit ideas related to Click Intelligent Dashboards please go to this link.

Translate solution to Dutch (1043)

I've noticed a lot of issues with the Dutch translation of ClickDimensions. Not all strings have been translated, button labels are missing or the translations aren't what they're supposed to be.

Now I did search and found this year-old post, but since it seems to have been ignored -- considering the current state of the translations --, I'm posting this rather than adding my € 0.02 there:

Is it possible for me to somehow download the current translations so that I can update/complete them myself and then re-upload them?

  • Guest
  • Jul 28 2020
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