Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Ability to edit an email after it is scheduled to send

Our team would like the ability to edit an email after it is scheduled to send. Other email blast systems allow for this. Here is a description sent by one of my team members:

You can’t edit an email after you’ve scheduled it to send. If you realize that you need to edit something, first you have to go in and cancel the email send. After you’ve cancelled it, you can’t even edit the cancelled email. You have to create an entirely new email, change what you want to change, and then schedule that one to go out. (Sidenote: In Hubspot, it’s much easier. Even if it’s already scheduled to send, you can still go back and edit it. You just have to re-confirm the send.)

ALSO - It is difficult to cancel an email once it is scheduled

  • Guest
  • Jul 28 2020
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    10 May, 2024 08:54am

    This is something I would really like to see, we have moved from a different system and just expected this. We are scheduling less just in case details need to change.

  • First Last commented
    14 Feb, 2024 03:30pm

    It is painful and hard to understand why a feature like this is not prioritized and implemented. The idea is from July 2020.

  • Riina K. commented
    15 Nov, 2023 11:38am

    Is there any news about this idea? It is first of all impossible to cancel the scheduled email, or at least almost impossible as we can't never find the place where that could be done. It needs to be easy to either cancel the schedule (without deleting the whole mail) or then we need ability to edit scheduled email directly.

  • Mike Delamater commented
    28 Jan, 2021 09:47pm

    How do I vote for this as well?

  • Jessica Searles commented
    19 Jan, 2021 12:50pm

    It's far too difficult to cancel an email send. Just last week, someone in the organization deactivated a send, thinking (reasonably so) that would stop it. We ended up sending two versions of the same email that day, at exactly the same time. Every other email system has an easy "Unschedule" button of some kind, and you can reschedule the same email after making changes or corrections. ClickDimensions should have an Unschedule button.

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