Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Enable SCAYT spell check as a default for drag-n-drop templates

Currently, while editing an individual content item in a drag-n-drop email send, the default for spell check is that SCAYT (spell check as you type) is disabled. We do have the capability to enable SCAYT via the WYSIWYG options. When I click out of that content item, however, then back in, I need to enable SCAYT again. The "enable SCAYT" setting does not "stick."

I'd like to request a way to enable SCAYT as a default (either across all drag-n-drop templates, all email sends, or all of CD). Or at least keep SCAYT enabled within an individual content item despite navigating in and out of other content items within the same email send.

  • Guest
  • Dec 28 2020
  • Attach files
  • Becca Oliver commented
    16 Nov, 2023 10:51pm

    I agree, this really should be enabled by default. At the bare minimum, it would be very helpful if it we could enable it for an entire email/web form/landing page etc. rather than having to enable it for every single text block.

  • Anthony Acree commented
    25 Apr, 2022 06:58pm

    I just noticed this says shipped, but this is not working.

  • Anthony Acree commented
    25 Apr, 2022 06:57pm

    Yes, the spellcheck should be enabled by default. Just like in this WYSIWYG editor. Having to enable it every time is not user friendly. Not sure why this hasn't been added already.

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