Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Paste in new D&D and switch between editor and HTML

This are two problems I have with the new D&D,

1) In the old D&D there were several paste options (paste from word, paste as plain text...). In the new D&D this feature is not present, I find this not really customerfriendly, you cannot paste a text, you really have to type everything back again.

2) Once you want to insert some HTML, you can no longer use the editor, this is also not really customer friendly, can you make it happen, that you can use and switch between those two?

Kind regards

  • Guest
  • Mar 18 2021
  • Attach files
  • Danique van Haren commented
    October 26, 2021 12:43

    Regarding the first problem: what works for me is using crtl + shift + v for pasting as plain text. Not very customerfriendly for every user.