Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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content block management

Requested by Kaj Asmussen

In larger customer cases with more content providers we need a possibility to let different users create content for an e-mail send.

This can to some extend be done by extending CD with custom entities, but we need this to be a standard feature.

I think that we are very close to a solution with the new drag-and-drop editor. I think that you "just" need to let the BLOCK become an CRM CD entity - fx Content Block. The user should then be able to create a content block, give it a name, category and use the editor to create content and format the content block - it would be perfect if they could use some templates.

This content block library should then be accesible from the e-mail send editor (drag&drop) it should be possible to drag content Blocks into a e-mail send. The block could be marked as used and maybe be related to the e-mail send (N-N). The reuse of Blocks should be possible.

I hope this would be a feature that you would consider for future releases.

  • Guest
  • Jul 28 2020
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  • Hans Ludvigsen commented
    24 Sep, 2021 08:08am

    Hi Kai.

    Excelent idea.

    I actually thing that it would improve your idea if we added some kind of approval process on the content entity, and maybe also some translation option, so that you could translate from base language to 2-3 other languages that could be choosen from, when adding content to an Email Send.

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