Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Content Management system for Email Send records

Hi there.

I have just had a meeting with one of my customers, whey gave me the idea for a new functionality within CD.

They need some kind of an approval process for email content, so when they create content for their newsletters, they could create, own, manage, translate, assign and approve text content in a new entity called Content Block.

Here we should have fields like:

Owner, Created On, Content Text, Proofreading approved by, Proofreading approved date, Legal approved by, Legal approved date, Approving Feedback, Translated text, Content used from, Content used to, Status, ect.

Then when the Content Block record is approved, it should be possible to pick the text directly from an Email Send Designer, when adding a Content block type Text. Here it should be possible to look for specific Content Blocks that is approved, and is within the range from "Content used from" to "Content used to".

If possible, it could be extremely nice if the text in the Text Content block on the Email Send would be updated in the second that the email is sent. This gives us the option to modify content until it is sent.




  • Hans Ludvigsen
  • Sep 24 2021
  • Attach files
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