Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Ability to have conditional actions on a survey

it would be great if I could specify if a action on a survey shoul be carried out.  normally I would go to CRM 2011 Workflows the problems is workflows does not allow the "OR" operator.  My business team wants to have one task created per survey if any field gets rated below a 8 out of 10 with native CRM workflows this is not feasiable right now  as I would have a lot of IF and statements.   In Clickdimension I could use the followup activity  of creating a task if it did not go off of every single survey and could have a trigger




  • Guest
  • Jul 28 2020
  • Already exists
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    • Noam Mahler commented
      September 06, 2020 19:29

      Hi Robert,

      You can achieve this funcionality with our Campaign Automation tool. If you add a Survey Submitted trigger, you can add different follow up actions based on the survey answers.

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