Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Have Preview populate personalized fields

Coming from the CoreMotives product, one feature it had that is missing from ClickDimensions is the ability to compose an email and during the preview portion, to see actual data show in the freemarker personalization fields. The way this worked with CoreMotives was that at least one Marketing List was required and that at least one lead/contact/account was needed within that list. It would then (seemingly) pick a random record from that list and use that to retrieve data for the Preview.  So if the email had 'Hello contact's first name' this would be known, same with the owning users name and address, etc.  Perhaps this would only work once the marketing list is appended (as it would seem necessary)


We primarily use this to add a signature to all the emails that go out and right now the user would need to SEND an email to themselves first to actually verify the data, which is several extra steps.  Incorporating this into the preview seems logical and of great value.  Thank you




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  • Jul 28 2020
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