Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Easy ability to filter recipients who did not enteredin emailed form

More and more are we using ClickDimensions and WebForms to send invitations for events or seminars. In the email we add a link that directs people to a form where they can register and are added to a special marketinglist. A common step in this process is to send a reminder to people who did not yet filled out the form. To create a list of this people we need to copy the initial marketing list, manage the members and exclude everyone with a specific posted form or who are a member to the registered marketing list.�

An OK process but hard to understand and explain to people who are just introduced to Click Dimensions and often the marketing possibilities inside CRM. It would be great if there could be an easy solution for this that is offered by Click Dimensions. This obviously goes the same for survey requests and possibly landing pages links.

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  • Dec 28 2020
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