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'Email Send: Split (A/B) Testing' process for CRM 2011 not so user friendly on first try

After realizing that our first�A/B Split�Email Send did not work as hoped when we thought we�selected a new template for strategy B, I was tasked with finding out why.�Keep in mind that we are currently using CRM 2011. After my analysis I have come to the�following conclusions�that I believe require your attention:

In the Email Send�A/B Split Test feature:

  • �Just clicking the �Choose new template� button and choosing a new template from the lookup field will not add the new template to the actual A/B split test function as a first time user would expect.

In the 'Email Send: Split (A/B) Testing' Help website instructions under the CRM 2011 tab (

  • The ClickD training website instructions for CRM 2011 does not mention, or show in the illustration, the �Edit� button that is located in the Strategy B section.

  • It also does not mention the requirement for it to be opened and closed in order to activate the new Strategy B template as part of the A/B split test.

  • Nor does it mention the requirement to press �Save� once the Strategy B template that has been opened is edited.

I suggest the following to help make this great A/B Split Test function more user friendly:

  • Verify�whether there is�a potential bug in the �Choose new template� button/template lookup field process if selected without using the "Edit" button.

  • Update�your CRM 2011 instructions and illustration for the A/B Split Test feature.

  • Consider adding�a �Stop and Warn� or error message to prompt the user upon �Save� or �Save and Send� if there is no difference between the contents and templates of both the A and B strategies if the �Choose new template� button along with a new template for the B strategy has been selected.

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  • Dec 28 2020
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