Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Alter Email Send Confirmation Screen

Hi ClickDimensions, 

With regards to the GDPR legislation coming into practice next month we believe slight adjustments to the Email Send confirmation page would make things more compliant. 

When the order for an Email Send is given, the user is shown the confirmation page with the text: 'I certify that all the recipients of this Email Send have opted in to receive our messages.'

According to the new GDPR legislation individuals can not be held responsible for data quality or compliancy of an entire organisation. Therefore we would foresee three possible small modifications to the confirmation page for the Email Send. 

- Enable / Disable the confirmation page.(Preferred solution) 

- Make the page customizable, so we can enter an own text.(Acceptable alternative solution) 

- ClickDimensions modifies the current text into 'As organisation (client name) we.....' (minimum change required) 



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  • Jul 28 2020
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