Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Event Participation record should not lock as soon as the event is over

As soon as an event is over, the fields on the Event Participation record are locked and can't be changed. So to mark an contact as Attended or Missed, it must be done while the event is still happening. This is not how the real world works. Some events happen at night and we don't find out who attended until the next day. Now we can't change their Registration Status and it stays stuck as Registered. Or some events might have so many people that we can't keep up checking them in using Event Bright and we need to do it later.

Please note, we used to be able to change the Reg Status field after an event ended. But there was a recent change to CD that prevents us from doing that.

  • Mike Nelson
  • Jun 12 2024
  • Attach files