Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

Submit your Product Ideas to the Click Product Management Team below.

These will be reviewed for consideration in a future product release. It is not intended to provide Product Support. If you are having a product issue, please follow regular support procedures.

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Ensuring that our products address the needs of our customers is important to Click. By providing your input, you're helping us ensure that our products are built by Marketers, for Marketers.

Information about the Product Ideas portal can be found in this support article.

To submit ideas related to Click Intelligent Dashboards please go to this link.

Don't lock Event fields!!!

A recent update to the solution causes fields to be locked after the status changes to Past. This is hugely problematic, as we are required to update custom fields required for reporting purposes, including requirements of our funders. Please change this behavior!!!

  • Guest
  • Dec 3 2020
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Mike Nelson commented
    12 Jun, 2024 10:57pm

    Agreed! This is a huge pain.

    Until CD fixes this, we have found a workaround. We export the event participation records to excel, change the values of the Registration Status field to either Attended or Missed, then import the file. It seems to work great.