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Import Subscription Preferences to ClickDimensions


I have just discovered that the only way of updating a customers subscription preferences is by manually go through the subscription management page and enter the preferences one by on.

This Means that if our customers wants to update their Contacts and Leads subscription preferences, then they have to go through all of their Contacts and Leads and update all of the news letter preferences. I have a customer WHO have 2000 Contacts with up to 12 different preferences. And another customer WHO have 2.000.000 Contact with up to 40 preferences.

as you probably can imagine, they would like that when a Contact og Lead wants to update their subscription preferences, then we would like that the subscription management page is updated with our knowledge already from the first time when the Contact or Lead are clicking on our subscription link in an email.

I would surgest that it would be possible to send you an Excel file to import, og that it would be possible from CRM to push subscription preferences data from CRM to CD, so that the CD database is updated.


Ludvig / Alfapeople

  • Guest
  • Jul 28 2020
  • Already exists
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    • Jane Davies commented
      November 23, 2021 05:56

      Sure, you can do this if you're using the Opt In method but not the Opt Out method.

    • Dale Price commented
      August 19, 2020 13:02

      Thank you Carl for taking the time to add this update and reference! The Import Tool does indeed support this capability.

    • Carl Johansson commented
      August 14, 2020 10:53

      Hi Ludvig!

      We have actually done this and imported all the preferences via the Importing tool:

      We did one import/subscription list.

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