Submit your Product Ideas to the Click Product Management Team below.
These will be reviewed for consideration in a future product release. It is not intended to provide Product Support. If you are having a product issue, please follow regular support procedures.
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Information about the Product Ideas portal can be found in this support article.
To submit ideas related to Click Intelligent Dashboards please go to this link.
Currently the scoring doesn’t take Event Participation into account – I’d like to set one score on a contact or lead that registers and another score if that person attends.
Is there a way to workaround this limitation? Can I setup a workflow to increment a score, or will it be overwritten by Click Dimensions? Does Click Dimensions re-score a lead or contact, or just increment the score based on a new event?
This feature is available with our New Lead Scoring. Released in version 12.7. Reach out to your CSM for more information
Thank you
Click Product Team