Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Cross-domain tracking of Visits, Page Views and Lead Scoring

We have 2 domains in our user journey, our main website, and our CRM website which presents list of upcoming events, forms and applications for leads.

ClickDimensions only tracks visits and page views for the domain the visit starts on, and does not track visits and page views if the user has interactions on the other domain. If the user starts on domain A from a ClickDimensions email, then fills out a form on CRM domain B, then returns to domain A, the Page View lead scoring only counts the pages visited on domain A... and vice versa if the visit starts on domain B.

The pages on both domains are very important to us to measure the total score for that user and we need ClickDimensions to support cross domain tracking.

  • Jannette P
  • Mar 11 2022
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    • Jannette P commented
      March 14, 2022 13:38

      Please note that I had opened support ticket #302730 for this issue, and CD support told me "After consulting with our teams, cross-domain tracking will not function with ClickDimensions Web Analytics. I would suggest submitting a feature request for future consideration."

      We already have both domains in the Domain settings, and the tracking scripts are on both with the associated domain name. However, a "subdomain alias" was not set up.

      The subdomain alias info - does that mean that the domain name will no longer look like the original? How would that work for a Visit that spans both our main website domain and the CRM domain? Would that break our Google Tag Manager triggers which look for specific domain names? Our CRM domain is dynamic content that is generated from our microsoft dynamics-based CRM, how would that handle an alias?

      Alternatively, could ClickDimensions design a Google Tag Manager solution where appropriate cookie values are passed in the link URLs to the 2nd site, and GTM could write the saved cookie values for that domain so the Visit and lead scoring are assigned appropriately between both domains?



    • Lea Hassoun commented
      March 14, 2022 08:44

      Hi Janette,

      Have you tried following the steps in our below article?


      ClickDimensions Product Team