Ideas - Click Marketing Automation for D365

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Bulk Unblock Recipients

When we send our email to hundreds of thousands to contacts. We can see tens of thousands blocked recipients because of soft bounces (e.g. dns lookup failures of legit email addresses). However unblocking this recipients one by one is unintuitive and may take hours or days. Can ClickDimensions create a ribbon button to unblock all soft bounces on "Email Send" ? Alternatively can we implement a retry count on recipient's record to block him/her ? For example If a recipient soft bounced 5 times, then ClickDimensions block the recipient.

  • Guest
  • Jul 28 2020
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    • Sandra Coghlan commented
      February 08, 2024 15:25

      It would also be useful to:

      1. Unblock any blocked email address, whether it's a hard or soft block (e.g. if a domain is temporarily down when a mailer is sent, all email addresses at that domain will hard bounce)

      2. See which of the email addresses you've chosen to unblock are actually unblocked (currently all still show Blocked)